
Futute and past events hosted by Tilted Pinball

Central Kansas Open

Annual Shuffle Bowling Tournament located in Salina, Ks.

1st Leg of the Kansas Shuffle Bowlers Society Triple Crown.

32 Player double elimination format.

Head to head competition playing "FLASH" scoring.

Cash entry.  Payouts to 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, highest game score, lowest game score, & Traveling Trophy "The Sleeper"!



2017 - Jessica S.

2016 - Josh D.

2015 - Aaron O.

Western Shuffle Puckers Open

Annual Shuffle Bowling Tournament located in Sharon Springs, Ks.

2nd Leg of the Kansas Shuffle Bowlers Society Triple Crown.

32 Player double elimination format.

Head to head competition playing "30/20" scoring.

Cash entry.  Payouts to 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, highest game score, lowest game score, & Traveling Trophy "The Puckster"!


Games Added!

Pinbot - 9/7/16

Playchoice - 8/25/16

Dig Dug - 8/24/16

Off Road 3 Player - 8/24/16

Off Road 2 Player - 8/24/16

High Speed - 5/2/16



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